Harlan Hubbard chose a life away from the world of his time. He removed himself from 20th century industrial society to live a deliberately simple, self-sufficient life. He and his wife, Anna, built and travelled on a shantyboat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. They lived in a home in Payne Hollow, Kentucky, overlooking the Ohio River, supporting themselves by growing and bartering for their food and other needs. Hubard kept journals and was an accomplished writer and musician. He was an artist and produced many paintings of the themes which ran through his life: the River with its steamboats and shantyboats, the hills, valleys, forests, fields and farmsteads of the Ohio Valley.
Bill Caddell
5068 West Gasline Road
Frankfort, IN 46041
Tel: (765) 481-9953
E-mail: bcaddell@mintel.net